Life cycle cost analysis for storm water management

CNLA has contracted Equilibrium Engineering Inc., an Engineering Firm based out of Nova Scotia, to conduct a Life Cycle Cost Analysis (LCCA) for our industry. The end result of this project will be a document for Engineers and Architects to use to put a value to products (i.e. trees, shrubs, soil), which already exists for grey Infrastructure (i.e. concrete surfaces), but this information is needed for green infrastructure to help make choices in construction and planning.

The first pilot project will examine water, waste water and retention to help industry sell the benefits of a variety of onsite storm water management methods. A collection and review will be done on the typical cost of installing and maintaining the following items:

  • Living green infrastructure for medians, boulevards and related onsite capture,
  • Storm water ponds,
  • Primary water treatment using wetland technologies,
  • Normal irrigation costs, and
  • Grey water infrastructure

Stay tuned for more information as it becomes available.
